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Something's coming...

Simeon’s Song of Praise, Rembrandt, Mauritshuis, The Hague Simeons Song, The Porters Gate

Last year I was writing about my father-in-law Reg whom we had just laid to rest. Contemplating on his way of waiting and being quiet and observing the world through his photographer’s eyes. It is through this lens that I find myself searching for an image of Simeon and it is there that I glimpse the capture of wonder.

The last year has seen restrictions come and go and again we find ourselves having to be cautious as we try and gather to celebrate the joy of Christmas. In the image above I see that joy in the eyes’s of the figure portraying Simeon. The cherished holding of the Christ Child, the open joy and awe that his eyes have seen…

“Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace,
as you have promised.
I have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared for all people.
He is a light to reveal God to the nations,
and he is the glory of your people Israel!”
Luke 2: 29-32

Rembrandt has captured within the immovable surface of the picture plane that moment of bliss. Simeon is bathed in light against the dark background using the effect of chiaroscuro the tonal contrast application of light pigments against dark pigments. With the Christ Child depicted in Simeon’s arms it is quite literally the embodiment of light in the darkness.

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
John 1:5

Last Sunday, the third Sunday in Advent we lit the Gaudate candle, the rose coloured one which is the transference point in Advent from reflection and repentance to joy. This mini Lent season is about reflection and it is how we turn that contemplative air into the awe and wonder and joy of the coming of the long awaited Messiah. Simeon knows his days are getting shorter but he is waiting with an anticipation that ‘something is coming’ and when the Holy Family enter the temple that day, Simeon’s joy overflows.

‘Something’s Coming, Something’s Good’ from the remaking of Westside Story is a song I had not associated with the Nativity, but wait….you read the lyrics and well, it could have been written for the season….

Could be, who knows?

There's somethin' due any day

I will know right away, soon as it shows

It may come cannonballin' down through the sky

Gleam in its eye, bright as a rose

Who knows? It's only just out of reach

Down the block, on a beach, under a tree

I got a feelin' there's a miracle due

Gonna come true, comin' to me

Could it be? Yes, it could

Somethin's comin', somethin' good, if I can wait

Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is

But it is gonna be great

With a click, with a shock

Phone'll jingle, door'll knock, open the latch

Somethin's comin', don't know when

But it's soon, catch the moon, one-handed catch

Around the corner

Or whistlin' down the river

Come on, deliver to me

Will it be? Yes, it will

Maybe just by holdin' still, it'll be there

Come on, somethin', come on in, don't be shy

Meet a guy, pull up a chair, the air is hummin'

And somethin' great is comin'

Who knows? It's only just out of reach

Down the block, on a beach, maybe tonight

Maybe tonight, maybe tonight

Look at the lyrics and ponder in your heart….

Virtual Celtic Morning Prayers on Friday's at 9.30 here is the link:

just click on the link about 9.30 on Friday morning and we will virtually gather, wherever we are and pray.

Hopefully 'normal service will be able to resume' in the New Year and we can get back to our new 9.30 routine face to face, once 'they' have sorted out this Omicron variant!

Meanwhile, mask up, stay safe, and peace be with you friends <><

Caroline :)


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