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When I saw this I thought of you. There's a newly opened, rebuilt, reformed, restructured bridge in Ferry Meadows in Peterborough. Personally I thing it's beautiful. It reminds me of you, the Christlight in you and how Jesus enfolds us in his love.

A bridge does many things. It allows us to cross from one side to the other, it holds us up. It can protect us. It can shelter us, it supports us. Other words too: brace, stay, platform. Speak of the function of the bridge. Embrace, enfold, encircle are words too that evoke sense, feeling and function into this image pictured here. Put all together and they also sum up just some of the ways that this reminds me of Jesus and his love for you and me.

Jesus is my stay, my platform and my support. Right now as the news reels imply the world seems to have erupted into pain we easily forget there is still so much hidden peace and hope awaiting to burst into enfolding love. It's so easy to be swept into the storm of negativity cast by media of all kinds; that we can loose our balance, for me Jesus calms my storm and holds out the guiding hand and helps me regain my balance. I found a gem this morning from the pray-as-you-go app

What was so interesting is that I actually do this and felt reassured that perhaps I was doing something'right' after all! Our human frailty means we often worry about getting 'stuff' wrong, but to be available and willing to 'be' present with quiet time with God is such a positive and hopeful encounter. I shall try and remember this as I go on duty today as a volunteer chaplain at Peterborough Cathedral. Being fully present to others as He is present to you and me. There is a Peace candle there for ongoing prayers, I think it's going to be busy.

On home turf at St Peter's in Oundle we have created a peace prayer garden. We have bulbs planted to represent the hidden peaceful acts in our world that so often remain hidden. We have origami doves and paper doves to write prayers of peace on. We have a peace lily and knitted lilies all representative of the constant desire to bring hope and peace to our world. We are praying to nurture peace, we hope we are breaking through the darkness to breakthrough into the Light.

If we can embrace love perhaps we have a chance. Like the bridge in the picture God has embraced us with unconditional great love, I wonder how we can embrace love too?

"... He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.    And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Peace be with you friends <><

Caroline :)


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