Three things connect...
A Winterwatch report of beauty in the small treasures in the outdoors. Winter wellbeing.
Beauty in broken pottery the art of Kintsugi.
The broken vessel in Christ’s sacrifice for us.
Here's how I'm attempting to glue these connections together...
Jesus was broken for us on the cross, out of that brokenness is the forgiveness of sins. Our brokenness has had love applied to help our cracks be mended. Love more precious than gold, so much more powerful, and so freely given.
It has occurred to me we spend much time on mending. Repairing broken pots with gold. Patching and repairing cloth, embroidering over the split seams, darning jumpers and restoring old and precious paintings. In a seemingly throw away society a lot of money is spent and found to preserve what we deem as worth saving. The Repair Shop such a nice program has opened the doors to many of how time consuming it is to repair and restore something.
I'm rather relieved that God has given me time, love, and precious, precious patience in waiting for me and to begin to piece me back together. God takes time with each and every one of us to restore us in our brokenness. That is a huge, generous and blessing of a treasure.
My body, mind and spirit is beginning to unfurl. The warmth of the sun is a welcomed surprise on my face, my mental wellbeing is improving, a few more weeks and the sun's strength will have eased the joints and comforted just a little bit more. The weather is bleak, as is the news but Winterwatch on BBC2 highlighted the 'small treasures' that bring us ease during these cold months. A little fresh air and a recognition of relishing in the small treasures that we see aid our wellbeing measurably.
I wonder what your small treasures are? Is it the mud up to the ankles of your welly boots, which we found last week up in the woods? The acid green moss that has covered the tree roots and seem artificially bright, too bright to be natural? That sun, that really bright winter sun that does wonders for the soul, and seems to reach your very core? Or the first bright green shoots of perhaps a snowdrops or two daring to emerge? A small treasure. Mossy stuff covering tree stumps and roots with hints of frost still clinging on, yet more treasures. This greening glimmers and simmers with anticipation. It won’t belong now before we can taste that longed for change that spring is coming into focus. These small treasures God has given us accumulate into one very big treasure, hope.
Peace be with you friends. See you virtually tomorrow for Celtic Morning Prayers at 9am.
Caroline :)