Some snowdrops (Galanthus ‘Atkinsii’) have a heart shape embedded in their petals, I didn't know that.
"...Snowdrop: Galanthus nivalis – This is the common snowdrop we are used to seeing in woods and fields in February. The edges of the leaves touch at the base and the outer petals are about 2.5cm long. It is a resilient variety..."
Who knew that when I looked at snowdrops a little green inverted heart was showing me how much love was in nature...
The soundtrack for the blog has seen a glut of The Porter's Gate, their alternative gentleness has a spring in it's step that struck me anew whilst writing this week... He is among us, by Porters' Gate
...and a stand out Scripture note was from Isaiah:
‘As for me, this is my covenant with them,’ says the Lord. ‘My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants – from this time on and for ever,’ says the Lord. Isaiah 59:21 Your Labour is Not in Vain - The Porter's Gate
A resilience (like the snowdrop, embedded in love) and vulnerability has been visible in those I have met this week. I met friends by accident, then of course this was no accident because isolation pinched keenly more than usual and I felt encouraged to pray into that loneliness, mine and others. Specifically those who have been fighting for breath. Not surprising then that the phone didn’t stop ringing, zoom delighted, and even on frozen and seemingly isolated walks, a friendly face emerged from the mufflers, hats and coverings. You can’t stop a twinkle in the eye when we recognise a familiar face. You can’t help but smile inwardly and outwardly, as that connection with another fellow human seems to me to be an involuntary action. Our God-incidence, chance meetings from across pavements, other sides of the road seemed to be on a loop, we admitted openly we felt vulnerable, sad and lonely for the hug of a friend and the shared cuppa. We knew we had to keep on keeping going as we are so close to a route out of ‘this thing’, but each person I met was digging deeper than they ever had before. It was tough, it is tougher that previous lockdowns but we are muddling through, just. We are the lucky ones because we can get out and about, a recognised if curtailed freedom, is a gift that we are grateful for. We cannot imagine, don’t let ourselves imagine what it must be like to be incarcerated in a high rise block of flats or even a prison cell for 23 hours out of 24 hours a day. Illuminate the Shadows - The Porter’s Gate
In our vulnerability we hopefully recognise our limitations and place that vulnerability in His hands to help us cope. It was with humility I thanked God for the gift of recognising my vulnerability and praying into it, because otherwise this week I would never have had such blessed encounters and been the recipient of a smile. A smile gifted to each other from the depths of our soul as sparkled in our eyes to each other when we recognise our fellow travellers needs. Father Let Your Kingdom come - The Porter’s Gate
Snowdrops rather than red hearts and roses, for me are going to be an enduring symbol of a greater love from now on, resilient, vulnerable and full of great, great love. Little things with Great Love - The Porter’s Gate virtual Celtic Morning Prayers at 9am Friday morning.
It is half-term next week and the beginning of Lent. I'm going to step away from the keyboard for a week, 'normal service will resume' the week after from Thursday 25th February.
Peace be with you friends <><
Caroline :)