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I'm gonna be (500 miles x 2)....

Having just completed the British Heart Foundation Step 250,000 step challenge a little early, I admit to signing up to the above. A chance posting by a friend on FB made me investigate and it struck a chord.

Walking has been an absolute motivator and healer and the ideal setting for my prayer practice. Walking prayer in solitude has been a huge stimuli but it gets even better when another walking buddy joins in and we get a good chat and stomp going. Somehow walking with a pal is the place where all sorts of conversations happen and the equally blessed silences of companionship take place.

View points often differ and to stop and gaze at the horizon when we hear a sound or spot a rustling in the fields, and share that moment with a friend is a huge delight. Great things happen when we walk alongside one another. We may take different paths and we see creation differently, but we don't do it alone, as our constant travelling companion, Jesus is always with us as we stumble along the way. Shared experience is what makes being human so special, the opportunity to learn, listen and love one another. Hark, Hark! Kate Rusby

Peace be with you friends this Christmas and throughout the coming New Year! <><


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