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Rest... "It is well with my soul" Audrey Assad

My mother in law is a sharp cookie, and I guess with 3 small children and teacher training behind her, she never used the word ‘stop’ but ‘rest’. Slightly drawn out with a ‘reeesssst’. We very quickly adopted that for our two, rest always stopped them in their tracks so much more effectively than stop.

Rest: to (cause someone or something to) stop doing a particular activity or stop being active for a period of time in order to relax and get back your strength…

It is a great word; It is stop with an intention. Stop with gentleness. Stop to recharge. Stop to look. Stop to find. Stop to pray. Stop to listen. Stop to hear….and when you change it to rest: rest with gentleness, rest to recharge, rest to look, rest to find, rest to listen and rest to hear it shifts it’s meaning to a word that wants you to linger in that new state.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11: 28-29 Find You. Audrey Assad

I hope that sometime this week you will get a chance to rest. Rest with your prayers, rest with your peace, find rest in your soul and find rest with our Lord. Restless - Audrey Assad

Found some more upside down hearts this week, opening up their petals and resting in the sun:)

Rest with Celtic Morning Prayers on Friday, again meeting virtually at 9am, until then peace be with you friends.

Caroline <><



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